Still one of the web’s strongest communication channels

Email Marketing Permission to land

When users opt in they say yes to your brand. This is the opposite of other forms of advertising – social channels, billboards, vehicles, print, TV and radio. An opt in should not be treated lightly.

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When users opt-in they say yes to your brand.

The daily information diet is something we often endure, always looking for the fastest exit. Yet after four decades, email remains a consistently strong and habitual communication channel for the web.

Unlike other advertising channels (social, billboards, vehicles, print, TV and radio), strict laws govern commercial communication. This makes the user’s permission to opt-in a great privilege. It’s hard to get and very easy to lose.

An opt-in should not be treated lightly. It’s an opportunity.

Content can be consistent and focused and arrive via email, with permission.

Teach for reach

Teach for Reach
Before a customer reaches out, teach them about your offerings. The less known advantages can make your service a value-add compared to your competitors. If you know the pain points of the market and you know your service, that is an opportunity.

Build on relationships

Build on relationships
Trust gained over time allows for smart and well-executed content that is highly likely to be engaged with.

Establish yourself as a specialist

Establish yourself as a specialist
Many companies have areas of expertise their customers don’t know about. Help your customers understand other strings to your bow. Remind them of service offerings that they may have forgotten over time, or been entirely unaware of.

Benchmark yourself

Benchmark yourself
Your team know where you excel and what your clients love about you. Challenge yourself to communicate that in messaging and metrics.

The power of simple offerings
The power of choice can be overwhelming. Use email to create a powerful opportunity, using price, features or time as the catalyst for conversions.

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Turn attention into opportunity

Turn attention into opportunity
Concise eDMs with strong copy and brand presence are a powerful persuader. Remind your database of what makes you special and worthy of engagement.

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CRM technology graphic

CRM technology is advanced. Personalisation, segmentation and split testing are all proven to be effective. Incisive copy, imagery, video and smart design can cut through the noise.

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